Die britische Provinz Pegu und der südliche Theil von Barma
1858|Kiepert, Heinrich1:3 000 000
Burman Empire, and Hindoo-Chinese States.
1832|Higgins, W.M.1:12 400 000
Birman Empire & Countries South East of the Ganges.
1844|Teesdale, Henry1:7 650 000
1832|dem Sir Francis Hamilton [...] gewidmet vom Verfasser [H. Berghaus]1:4 000 000
1832|Berghaus, Heinrich Karl Wilhelm1:4 000 000
Sailing Directions for the principal Ports in the Bay of Bengal, with remarks upon the winds and currents; and special instructions for making passages up and down the Bay. [With maps.]
1866|ROSSER, William Henry and IMRAY (James Frederick)